About Bryan Tong

A computer science enthusiast. An outdoors lover. A storm watcher.

I also enjoy racing, sim racing, music, law. I will update this portion with some more personal information sometime soon.



I aspired to write a computer programming framework. Kado is a Node JavaScript framework that hits it out of the park.

Take a look and see for yourself: Kado


Data storage is always a need. BurstCloud keeps data safe and aims to have feature parity with the major existing drives.

I built StretchFS to power this service and that will really make BurstCloud scale. Professionally its my dream to build a redundant, safe, and secure data storage system that can be trusted.

Get an account today! BurstCloud


Esited is a great infrastructure provider that I founded and help build. This service is aimed towards easy to purchase, operate, maintain infrastructure. Automation is coming like a tidal wave, get in early with the good pricing!

Need a server? Esited

My Professional Timeline